The Twilight's PeakTRAVELLER

Imperial Library Search Results

Number of like terms found for Naasirka: 1


Naasirka specializes in the manufacture of information storage and processing equipment and software, computers, and other complex electronic devices. Their robots are the most commonly found of any company within the Imperium. The firm is a Vilani megacorporation of uncertain lineage, but it is known to have been in business prior to the founding of the Sylean Federation. Naasirka is the largest supplier of communications equipment to the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service's X-boat branch. Naasirka was a late-comer to the Spinward Marches; until recent expansions, it owned only a few facilities on the sector's trailing border, such as the shipyard on Aramis (Spinward Marches/Aramis 0710), and robotics factories on Rhylanor Stock ownership: Imperial family- 4% Investment trusts- 24%, Noble families- 23%, Hortalez et Cie- 11%, Other corporations 14% Igsiirdi family- 13%, Private ownership- 11%.